Experienced supervisors for site management
Are you looking for a project manager that is experienced and keep overview over all the different tasks? The MFS professionals are perfect for this job; highly skilled supervisors. During a large project /outage it is a challenge to keep an overview. There are many tasks performed by the crew simultaneously, while all these tasks will need to be overviewed and corrected (if needed). Same time there will be progress meetings, reporting, etc. that are required to be attended and prepared.

This is why we have very experienced supervisors whom are having the capacity to do all this. No worries with MFS!
With MFS as your gas turbine supervisor, you don’t need to worry anymore about your on shore or off shore gas turbine working properly and safely!
For more information about site project management/supervisor, please contact our sales department. You can do so by calling +31 (26) 479 999 9, or by sending an email to sales@mfsupport.com.